Farm Expansion

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Farm Expansion.
A Seed Spreader.
The icon of farm expansion quests.
TypeGame Mechanics

Farm Expansion is a game mechanic in Farmtown that allows players to increase the size of their farm plot, providing additional space for farming activities. This mechanic is primarily driven through quests provided by the Mayor.

This update arrived in the game on January 27, 2025.

Update Impact and Starting Farm Size

The introduction of Farm Expansion mechanics (January 27, 2025) in a recent update has resulted in changes to starting farm sizes and upgrade paths, differentiated by when a player began their game:

Players Prior to Update

The farm of mr_smellyman, User:Smelly in Farm Editor Mode after the update

For players who established their farm prior to this update, the farm size will automatically increase upon logging in.

  • Initial Farm Size (Pre-Update): 62x46 tiles
  • Farm Size After Update: 64x48 tiles

Upon loading a pre-update save slot, players may interact with the Mayor NPC. Dialogue with the Mayor will advance the Farm Expansion quest line directly to the "Square is Square (Farm Size 5)" stage. This effectively bypasses the initial farm expansion quests, resulting in a cost saving of $85,000 for these players.

New Players (Post-Update)

Players beginning a new save slot after this update will commence with a smaller initial farm size.

  • Initial Farm Size (Post-Update): 32x32 tiles

These players can then progress through the farm expansion quest line offered by the Mayor to increase their farm size incrementally.

Farm Size Levels and Expansion Costs

Farm size is increased through a series of quests from the Mayor. Each expansion level requires completion of a quest and a monetary payment. The current farm size levels and associated costs are as follows:

Farm Size Size Condition
Farm Size 1 32x32 tiles Available at no cost for new players.
Farm Size 2 32x48 tiles Achieved through the quest "Growing Pains (Farm Size 2)" and a payment of $10,000.
Farm Size 3 48x48 tiles Achieved through the quest "Spilling Over (Farm Size 3)" and a payment of $25,000.
Farm Size 4 64x48 tiles For players starting after the update, achieved through the quest "Moving Up and Out (Farm Size 4)" and a payment of $50,000.

Players who started before the update receive this size automatically.

Farm Size 5 64x64 tiles Achieved through the quest "Square is Square (Farm Size 5)" and a payment of $500,000.

Future Farm Expansions (West Farmtown Expansion)

The following farm size upgrades are planned for a future "West Farmtown Expansion" update and are not currently available in the game:

Farm Size Size Condition
Farm Size 6 64x72 tiles Achieved through a quest and a payment of $1,000,000.
Farm Size 7 72x72 tiles Achieved through a quest and a payment of $5,000,000.
Farm Size 8 72x96 tiles Achieved through a quest and a payment of $25,000,000.
Farm Size 9 96x96 tiles Achieved through a quest and a payment of $100,000,000.