First Day on the Farm
It's your first day! Running a farm can be difficult, but it's always rewarding. Knowing what to do is half the battle!
The first step to farming is to prepare the soil. Try equipping your Hoe, a tool made for tilling up the ground.
Now that you've equipped the hoe, try it out on the soil! Find a clear piece of land with the plenty of sun and try it out.
... and tilled the ground with it!
Nice! The ground is ready for seeding. You should have 20 Wheat Seeds. Try tilling more soil and then plant all of your seeds in those tilled spaces.
Then I planted some seeds in the tilled soil!
Great. Every plant needs water. You can use your Watering Can to supply that, go ahead and try that now.
I watered the seeds too. Now they're growing!
Excellent. You new plants should begin growing and using up water now. Keep them watered until they're fully grown! Don't forget, You have a
Well on your farm to refill your watering can.
I waited for the plants to grow, they're ready for harvesting now.
Look at that, fully grown wheat! Now, equip your
Scythe and harvest it.
I used the scythe to harvest the wheat.
Now that you have your wheat harvested, you need to pack it. Head over to your Crate Packer to learn how to do this.
My farm came with this strange machine with a conveyor belt.
Okay, now drag the wheat from your inventory to the crate packer. It'll show up on the conveyor belt.
I dropped my wheat on the conveyor belt.
Once the wheat enters the machine, you can pull the red lever to pack it into a
crate. Try it out now!
The wheat dropped into the machine, then I pulled the lever and a crate full of wheat came out the other end!
Great, now you have a crate! Pick it up and load it onto your truck.
I loaded the crate onto the truck...
It's time to drive to the shipping docks! Hop in your truck.
Then I hopped into the truck...
Follow the navigation helper down the road to the docks.
And I drove to the town's small shipping port!
Now you can park it and sell your crate by dropping it on the receiving area.
I dropped off the crate and got paid. Time for some more seeds.
You did it! Now you can go to Pitchfork Jeb's Farmer Supply and buy some more seeds.
I found a man named Pitchfork Jeb. He runs a small farm supply store in town.
Try buying some
Carrot Seeds this time. This crop is more expensive and doesn't make as much per crop, but it grows much faster.
I bought some more seeds from Jeb. I guess I'm a farmer now!