Gold Grappling Hook

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Gold Grappling Hook
A Grappling Hook.
GoldCoin.png Price20

This Gold Grappling Hook can be purchased from the Coin Store! It’s an excellent way to get around quickly, although you cannot carry a crate while using it. It can latch on to almost anything, and once it hooks, it’ll reel you in. You can also use the normal movement controls to direct yourself while reeling in, so you can swing around things and launch yourself. It’s basically just really fun.

A truly luxurious grappling hook made of fine gold and painted steel. Great range too!



  • The grappling hook was originally made for the game Bootleg Buccaneers by Bee Smelly, mr_smellyman’s collaboration with Beeism. In fact, Farmtown 2’s entire codebase is derived from Bootleg Buccaneers, which explains why you get a tip for delivering crates that you didn’t get wet…